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      The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missions of rescue and revenge take us from the mega-mansions and underbelly of Los Angeles to far away places like Iraq, Armenia, Russia, and The United Kingdom to introduce us to a cast of colorful, dangerous, and hilarious characters. From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.


    • 8.0 HD中字 全境封锁 埃伦·科戴罗,塞尔莫·费尔南德斯,瓦耐萨·热贝利,布鲁斯·岗拉斯迪,西尔维欧·圭恩丹尼,娜塔莉娅·拉热,马尔库斯·帕尔梅拉,Hanna Romanazzi,Raphael Teixeira,达尔顿·维格
    • 1.0 HD国语 七圣伏魔 元彪 克拉拉 周思羽 杨云绚
    • 2.0 HD中字 双星赶月 格里高利·海因斯,比利·克里斯托,达兰妮·弗鲁格
    • 3.0 HD国语 夺宝英雄 王合喜,原子鏸,岛田阳子,释小龙,张晋
    • 1.0 HD中字 大骚乱 史蒂文·元,萨玛拉·维文,史蒂文·布兰德,卡罗琳·奇克泽,凯瑞·福克斯,达拉斯·罗伯特斯,马克·福斯特,克莱尔·德拉马尔,安德烈·埃里克森,尼古拉·肯特,露西·查普尔,沃力佳·鲁斯蒂奇,博扬·佩里奇,安娜玛丽亚·塞尔达
    • 6.0 HD国语 松江教父-上集 侯东,张圣岳,韩乐瑶,甄子琦,韩聪聪,周思伶,毛凡,温海波,杜旭东,沈保平,孙蛟龙

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